Ian Spellane

Senior Analyst
  • Washington, DC, USA
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Master of Arts in Applied Economics - Georgetown University (USA) Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - Marquette University (USA)


Ian is motivated to analyze and develop creative, economically viable solutions to infrastructure challenges that will positively impact people’s lives.

His areas of focus include assessing the economic and financial viability of utilities projects, and the strategic planning of regulatory and policy frameworks for water and sanitation services.

Prior to joining Castalia, Ian assisted the Georgetown Center on Poverty & Inequality with economic policy research. Ian also worked as a Teach For America Corps Member in New Orleans.


What has been your favorite place that you’ve traveled to?

Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia

What’s your favorite book and why?

Breakfast of Champions – it is simultaneously thought-provoking and hilarious

If you can instantly become an expert in something, what would it be?

Playing the piano

How can we help you?

How can we help you?