Transforming organizations and service delivery

We help investors and asset owners

transform enterprises. We identify business constraints, strategic assets, and market opportunities, then develop strategies that remove constraints, build on strategic assets, and maximize value from market opportunities.

We help international agencies and governments

create systems that maximize value for money across the entire portfolio of projects and enable governments to deliver bankable projects. We design tools to assess and manage fiscal risk at project, sector, and government level, we use a proprietary toolkit to analyse stakeholder interest, optimize communications, and broker consensus, and manage markets for vital public services. We also turn around the performance of public utilities and other enterprises.


Performance-based Contract for Water and Sanitation Utility, Mexico

Performance-based Contract for Water and Sanitation Utility, Mexico

Mexico City was experiencing inadequate water service quality and poor technical and commercial efficiency. SACMEX, the public utility providing water and sanitation services to Mexico City, sought to replace existing commercial out-sourcing contracts with performance-based PPP contracts to improve service ... Read more
Education PPP Training, Uruguay

Education PPP Training, Uruguay

Castalia trained Uruguay government officials on managing PPP contracts for education facilities. The Government of Uruguay needed to build capacity after signing the country’s first education PPP ... Read more
PPP Center for Excellence, Solomon Islands

PPP Center for Excellence, Solomon Islands

Castalia worked with the Government of the Solomon Islands to set up a PPP Center of Excellence and pipeline of projects. The Government had identified PPPs as an important additional procurement and financing method to address the infrastructure deficit, but ... Read more
Development of the Cervena Venison Appellation, New Zealand

Development of the Cervena Venison Appellation, New Zealand

Castalia recommended turning a poorly coordinated Cervena Appellation into a brand under a consolidated ownership structure to increase value of New Zealand venison exports. A New Zealand venison brand would be valuable, but the Cervena Appellation failed to deliver the ... Read more
Securing Private Participation in Regional Electricity Distribution Cooperatives, Philippines

Securing Private Participation in Regional Electricity Distribution Cooperatives, Philippines

Castalia designed a model for private sector participation in the Philippines’ rural electric cooperatives to attract operational expertise and finance for development. Many rural electrification cooperatives in the Philippines were struggling as a result of poor management and lack of ... Read more
Jamaica Renewables Tender

Jamaica Renewables Tender

Castalia helped WRB Enterprises prepare a successful bid to develop a 20 MW photovoltaic generation facility in Jamaica. WRB Enterprises was not familiar with Jamaica and needed support navigating the regulatory system, assessing risk, acquiring a suitable site, and getting ... Read more
JIRAMA Power Sector Fiscal Management Tool, Madagascar

JIRAMA Power Sector Fiscal Management Tool, Madagascar

Castalia developed a fiscal management tool to help the Government of Madagascar monitor and manage fiscal risk in the sector. The government was subsidizing JIRAMA to keep it operating, while the utility was building up arrears and unable to finance ... Read more
Otago River Control Scheme, New Zealand

Otago River Control Scheme, New Zealand

We analyzed the economic benefits of a flood control scheme to determine a fair cost allocation between two regions in New Zealand that are protected by the scheme. One region’s ratepayers were paying an unfair share of the costs for ... Read more

Our experts in transforming organizations and service delivery

Alex Sundakov

Alex Sundakov

Executive Director
Andrew Sprott

Andrew Sprott

Practice Leader
David Ehrhardt

David Ehrhardt

Chief Executive
Giang Doan

Giang Doan

Marie Marconnet

Marie Marconnet

Project Director

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