Guidance for the Regulation of Mini Grids

The problem

Globally, 1.1 billion people lack electricity. Studies show more than a third of these could be economically served by mini grids. However, many governments don’t know how to design the regulatory systems that can make mini grids successful.

How we helped

Castalia developed guidance on the effective design of regulation, contracts and subsidies to promote development of mini grids. To do this we analyzed the experiences of Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, India, Bangladesh and Cambodia. From these cases we established which approaches work best in which contexts and presented recommendations that countries can apply to their situation.


The guidance has been published by the World Bank. It is already being applied to help Nigeria develop its ambitious mini grid program, which aims to use mini grids to extend service to 300,000 households and 30,000 enterprises by 2023, through a tender and a performance-based grant program.

The client

The World Bank

Castalia developed guidance for the regulation of mini grids, published by the World Bank.

Our team

David Ehrhardt

David Ehrhardt

Chief Executive
Laurie Hervot

Laurie Hervot

Senior Analyst
Veronica Lizzio

Veronica Lizzio


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