Bambang Irwanto

  • Sydney, Australia
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BSc in Economics - President University (Indonesia)


Bambang is keen to help nations unlock their full potential by providing effective solutions to complex infrastructure problems.

Bambang has advised private companies, government agencies, and bilateral and multilateral development institutions on PPPs, infrastructure finance, and transactions.

Bambang has held several roles in the public and private sectors and advised on PPPs and other transactions. He served as an Associate Director at KPMG, a PPP financial and transaction expert with Bappenas through PMO (the Indonesian Ministry of National Development Planning – PPP Directorate), and a credit analyst at PT SMI (Persero), an Indonesian state-owned infrastructure financing company. In these roles, Bambang managed several projects with project costs estimated around US$24 billion. He specializes in PPP preparation, transactions, debottlenecking, credit analysis in transport, renewable and conventional electricity generation, water supply, ports and airports, and oil and gas.

Key Projects

  • Transaction and Preparation of Consultant for South Sumatera and Riau Road Project
  • IIGF Toll Road Appraisal Project
  • JICA Assitance to Philippines PPP Center


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