Camila Cepeda

Business Development and Marketing Associate
  • Bogotá, Colombia
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Bachelor of Arts in International Politics - The Pennsylvania State University (United States)


Camila works to position Castalia's expertise and knowledge across different infrastructure sectors using digital marketing strategies that clearly communicate and showcase the positive impact the firm has globally.

Camila develops products for relationship-based work and writes winning responses to publicly procured opportunities.

Before Castalia, her experience included developing digital marketing and growth strategies for organizations with a positive impact in a variety of industries including non-profit, start-ups, business management, and law in the United States, France, and Colombia.

Camila is passionate about creating business development strategies that communicate Castalia’s innovative solutions to the most complex infrastructure, resource, and policy challenges worldwide.


What are your hobbies or interests?

Traveling, vinyasa yoga, reading, and painting

What do you think are the five most beautiful things in the world?

Sunsets, gardens, hugging a loved one, a full moon, and music

If you could have one single superpower, what would it be?


How can we help you?

How can we help you?