Lauren McManamon

Business Development Manager
  • Washington, DC, USA
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MSc in Psychology with Merit - Victoria University (New Zealand) BA 1st Class Psychology - Victoria University (New Zealand) LL.B. Bachelor of Laws and BA in Psychology - Victoria University (New Zealand)


Lauren is passionate about blending business and narrative writing to create compelling pitches, proposals, and reports. Narrative design has shown her how complex, abstract ideas can be told in grounded, personal terms to reach a variety of readers.

Lauren manages Castalia’s day-to-day business development activities. Her areas of expertise are strategy writing, crafting compelling business pitches, and coaching people on how to deliver winning work. She is skilled in Plain English and guides others on the principles of clear, concise writing.

Her experience prior to Castalia includes policy advice to New Zealand’s Ministry for the Environment, business development support on multi-million-dollar proposals, and consulting services for technical writing and narrative game design.


What’s your favorite book and why?

Lessons in Clarity and Grace by Joseph Williams. It explains the principles of clear and concise writing in a very personal, accessible way

If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Can’t beat a good burger

Where do you find inspiration?

Many places, but the natural world is always full of new discoveries and interesting surprises. I especially find inspiration in birds, especially the unique birds of New Zealand

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