Louis Costil

Senior Analyst
  • Auckland, New Zealand
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Bachelor of Commerce in Finance and Economics - Otago University (New Zealand) Passed CFA Level III Certified Public-Private Partnerships Professional Foundation - AMPG International


Louis is passionate about applying his analytical and financial expertise to create innovative solutions to complex infrastructure financing challenges.

As an analyst in the Asia-Pacific practice, Louis uses his economic and financial skills to help public clients and investors make informed investment decisions.

He previously worked for a boutique investment bank on structured and fund finance transactions and as a graduate in the Wealth team of investment bank Jarden. He supported deals from origination through to negotiation, distribution, and execution.



What are your hobbies or interests?

Skiing and hiking

If you could live in a book, TV show or movie, what would it be?

The Matrix or maybe I already am…

Would you rather have unlimited sushi for life or unlimited tacos for life?


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