TIFIA Portsmouth Bypass PPP Advisory, USA

The problem

The Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) had to decide whether to provide financing for a proposed bypass to relieve congestion in Scioto County, Ohio. The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) had applied to TIFIA for a US$230 million loan to help fund a 16-mile highway, as public financing was insufficient.

How we helped

Castalia evaluated the project’s creditworthiness and helped TIFIA negotiate with ODOT. We reviewed the project’s financial and commercial viability, assessed risks for TIFIA, and suggested ways to mitigate risk. We also assessed the impact of different project sensitivities on TIFIA’s credit.


Following our recommendations, TIFIA signed a US$209 million credit arrangement with ODOT in March 2015. The road started operating in December 2018.

Our team

David Ehrhardt

David Ehrhardt

Chief Executive

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