Stéphanie Tatunchak

Project Manager
  • Washington, DC, USA
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Bachelor of Liberal Arts in Economics (Honors) - McGill University (Canada)


Stéphanie works on institutional and financial reforms of utilities, mainly in the electricity and water sectors.

She has assessed the performance of utilities across Africa and South East Asia. She specializes in developing frameworks to facilitate private investment in the utilities’ sector.

Prior to Castalia Stéphanie worked as an infrastructure analyst at Grant Thornton in Canada.

Stéphanie is driven by solving problems in ways that impact and enhance the livelihoods of communities. She values Castalia’s approach to assignments and the high-level of client engagement, which allows in-depth understanding of the situation, beyond what can be found on paper.


Key Projects


What are your hobbies or interests?

Amateur boxing. I train regularly and have had 3 amateur fights

What is your favorite book and why?

“A brief history of seven killing” by Marlon James. I love how fiction and history are skillfully intertwined, and so are patois and English, all to create this tale that completely absorbs you

How do you recharge?

I recharge by going swimming in the ocean. The perks of Sydney!

How can we help you?

How can we help you?