Power and Water Sector Optimization, Abu Dhabi

The problem

Falling oil revenues meant Abu Dhabi needed to increase efficiency and cost recovery in the power and water sectors, to conserve fiscal resources. The question was, what is the best course of action for power and water sector optimization?

How we helped

Castalia designed a new wholesale electricity market, transitioning Abu Dhabi’s existing ‘single-buyer’ model to allow direct trade between generators, large consumers, and distribution companies in Abu Dhabi and neighboring Emirates. This complemented a least cost expansion and dispatch model that identified areas for cost saving, and tariff reform proposals to increase cost recovery.


The recommendations were accepted. The wholesale market is being created. Cost-saving initiatives identified—including massive increases in solar PV generation, rehabilitation of existing IPP plant, and utilization of captive generation resources to defer capacity investments—are being implemented.

Our team

David Ehrhardt

David Ehrhardt

Chief Executive
Peter Hoogland

Peter Hoogland

Veronica Lizzio

Veronica Lizzio


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