Telecommunications Merger Market Model for Spark, New Zealand

The problem

Spark is New Zealand’s largest telecommunication retail service provider. Competitors SKY Television (pay-tv) and Vodafone (telecommunication) were seeking to create an integrated telecommunication and media group in New Zealand. However, Spark was concerned that a merged entity would have significant market power and undermine competition in the telecommunications market, as SKY had a monopoly on premium sports content in New Zealand.

How we helped

We provided Spark with analysis that formed critical evidence in identifying the likely impact of the merger. We developed a telecommunications merger market model and presented this model to the Commerce Commission (New Zealand’s competition authority). Castalia’s analysis helped convince the Commerce Commission that the merger was anti-competitive.


The merger was not allowed to proceed, and market competition was not undermined.

Our team

Alex Sundakov

Alex Sundakov

Executive Director

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