Corporate Financial Strategy for National Power Company

The problem

Perusahaan Listrik Negara—Indonesia’s national power company—is one of the world’s largest vertically integrated power utilities. It is engaged in one of the world’s largest electricity infrastructure development programs, requiring US$181 billion in investment over 10 years. However, the regulatory mechanism for the calculation of PLN’s maximum allowed revenue understated the revenue PLN needed to raise the finance it required. Moreover, the split of the allowed revenue into consumer tariffs and the Public Service Obligation subsidy placed increasing burden on the budget. This burden made the subsidy fiscally unsustainable. If PLN were not able to finance the required investment on its own balance sheet, the government would be forced to fund some of the investment program directly in addition to providing the PSO subsidy. This would further compounding fiscal risks.

How we helped

Castalia developed a pathway to a sustainable capital structure addressing PLN’s financing constraints. We determined the revenue path required to enable PLN to finance the investment program as a viable stand-alone corporate entity. Additionally, we proposed a regulatory revenue formula that would ensure financial stability of the company. We then facilitated discussions between different stakeholders, including the Ministry of SOEs, the Ministry of Finance, PLN and the Ministry of Mines and Energy. This discussion arrived at a consensus position on how the required revenue would be shared between consumer tariffs and a sustainable subsidy. In addition, we showed how PLN can maximize the use of its balance sheet through a combination of asset recycling and contracting services from privately-owned and financed independent power producer and transmission providers.


Our analysis and consistent engagement with key stakeholders in the Indonesian electricity sector led to PLN and the Ministries of Energy, State Owned Enterprises and Finance being able to reach consensus on the required revenue path to enable PLN to finance its investment program while remaining financially viable as a stand-alone corporate entity within a fiscally sustainable Public Service Obligation subsidy.

Our team

Alex Sundakov

Alex Sundakov

Executive Director
Peter Hoogland

Peter Hoogland

Stéphanie Tatunchak

Stéphanie Tatunchak

Project Manager

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