Castalia advises on New Zealand Hydrogen Roadmap

April 13, 2020

Castalia is preparing detailed modelling to inform New Zealand’s hydrogen pathway for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). This modelling will underpin a broader New Zealand hydrogen strategy, an important part of the Government’s emissions reduction strategy.

Castalia’s modelling will integrate up-to-date costs and technical information to determine the potential supply and demand for green hydrogen production at multiple locations in New Zealand. It will also analyze the demand in heavy vehicle transportation, electricity generation and storage, piped gas and for export markets.

Castalia will deliver an integrated model and provide appropriate training to enable officials to use the model. Alex Sundakov, Andreas Heuser, David Ehrhardt, Lakshman Ganesharajah, and Robert Fletcher are part of the Castalia team advising MBIE on the project. We are excited to team with Zen Energy Solutions, who are providing technical inputs for the model.


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