Water Utility Turnaround Plan for Can Tho, Vietnam

Integrated Water Resilience Planning 

The problem

Can Tho WASSCO, the largest water utility in the Mekong Delta, was underperforming. The utility’s water was not safe to drink, non-revenue water was high, and coverage was only 85 percent.

How we helped

We assessed the utility’s operations and management to determine the root causes of underperformance. Based on these root causes, we defined strategic actions for improvement in the short and medium term. To do this, we followed the Utility Turnaround Framework (UTF) that we developed for the World Bank in a previous assignment.


Can Tho WASSCO is implementing a set of strategic actions that we recommended from out water utility turnaround plan, including a program to reduce non-revenue water. We expect these actions to help the utility improve its operational efficiency.

The client

World Bank

Castalia identified a water utility turnaround plan for Can Tho based on the Utility Turnaround Framework (UTF) developed from a previous World Bank assignment.

Our team

Alex Sundakov

Alex Sundakov

Executive Director
Anamaría Camacho

Anamaría Camacho

Director, Business Development and Product Innovation
David Ehrhardt

David Ehrhardt

Chief Executive
Giang Doan

Giang Doan


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