Expert evidence, evaluation, and learning

For investors and asset owners,

we provide authoritative and independent expert testimony on competition, access to essential infrastructure, regulation and quantum of damages matters. We also provide expert analysis to ensure that policies and regulations are well-designed and do not damage business growth and dynamism.

For governments and international agencies,

we evaluate past performance and learn lessons from their own experience and that of other places to inform development of future policies and projects. We also protect their legitimate interest in disputes through expert evidence which ensures that policy and regulatory decisions are fairly evaluated and exaggerated claims for damages are rejected.


Standard Chartered Bank (HK) Ltd. v. United Republic of Tanzania ICSID Case No. ARB/10/12

Standard Chartered Bank (HK) Ltd. v. United Republic of Tanzania ICSID Case No. ARB/10/12

Castalia provided expert testimony to demonstrate that IPTL, an independent power provider, had overcharged the Tanzania Electric Supply Company (TANESCO) ... Read more
Guidance for the Regulation of Mini Grids

Guidance for the Regulation of Mini Grids

We wrote a report that will help governments scale-up electricity access with privately-financed mini-grids by selecting the appropriate regulatory, contract and subsidy designs. The World Bank identified that although creating mini-grids could accelerate the pace of electrification, information about best ... Read more
Expert Testimony for Port of Newcastle Tariff Arbitration, Australia

Expert Testimony for Port of Newcastle Tariff Arbitration, Australia

Castalia provided expert evidence that an increase in port charges by the Port of Newcastle was reasonable given historic under-charging. The Port of Newcastle was declared under Part IIIA of the Consumer Competition Act, making its prices subject to regulatory ... Read more
Appraisal of Lower Level Tertiary Programs and Courses, New Zealand

Appraisal of Lower Level Tertiary Programs and Courses, New Zealand

Castalia evaluated the value of lower level courses at Open Polytechnic, New Zealand, and showed that they had a benefit-cost ratio of 3.5 to 4. Government funding for Open Polytechnic’s lower level courses was under threat because of low student ... Read more
Guyana Water Management Advice to DfID

Guyana Water Management Advice to DfID

Castalia evaluated the contractual obligations and performance of Severn Trent and Guyana Water. We recommended a new approach to the governance charter and provided an opinion on the reasonableness of the government’s ultimate decision to terminate. The government of Guyana ... Read more
Alleged Anti-Competitive Conduct in Electricity Transmission and Distribution

Alleged Anti-Competitive Conduct in Electricity Transmission and Distribution

Castalia gave expert testimony before the High Court to show that the operator of New Zealand’s national transmission grid was not behaving in an anti-competitive manner. A generation company alleged that Transpower, operator of the national transmission grid, was being ... Read more
Mobil Exploration and Development Inc. Suc. Argentina and Mobil Argentina S.A. v. Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/04/16

Mobil Exploration and Development Inc. Suc. Argentina and Mobil Argentina S.A. v. Argentine Republic, ICSID Case No. ARB/04/16

We valued the damage that the Republic of Argentina had caused to a subsidiary of ExxonMobil by changing rules and regulations governing the gas market following the devaluation crisis of 2002. The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) ... Read more
Telstra Duct Access Expert Witness, Australia

Telstra Duct Access Expert Witness, Australia

Castalia provided expert testimony and helped Australian telecommunication company Telstra to demonstrate that its duct access pricing was fair. Telstra owns Australia’s copper network. A competitor claimed that Telstra was overcharging the ACCC for access to its telecommunications ducts ... Read more

Our experts in expert evidence, evaluation, and learning

Alex Sundakov

Alex Sundakov

Executive Director
David Ehrhardt

David Ehrhardt

Chief Executive
Emma Ihaia

Emma Ihaia

Senior Advisor
Jonathan Walters

Jonathan Walters

Senior Advisor
Vipul Bhagat

Vipul Bhagat

Senior Advisor

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