Improving markets, regulation, and sector structure

For investors and asset owners,

we advocate market designs that will enable investor returns while serving the public interest. We help them comply with regulations set by competition authorities, protect themselves from market manipulation, and profit from sector transformation caused by disruptive technologies and regulatory changes

For international agencies and governments,

we design markets for vital public services, Design regulation to control monopoly power and to limit negative externalities , and transform sector performance through appropriate policies and sector designs.


District Cooling Market Analysis, Mexico

District Cooling Market Analysis, Mexico

Mexico’s Ministry of Energy wanted to know the viability of district cooling to mitigate the country’s high energy consumption, disproportionate peak load, and increasing GHG emissions caused by growing urban populations and rising temperatures ... Read more
Geothermal Energy Market Analysis, Eastern Caribbean

Geothermal Energy Market Analysis, Eastern Caribbean

The Eastern Caribbean States rely heavily on expensive fossil fuels despite having great potential for renewable energy. The IDB wanted to explore investment opportunities for affordable, reliable renewable energy to move the region away from fossil fuel ... Read more
Electricity Market and Carbon Tax Advice, Mexico

Electricity Market and Carbon Tax Advice, Mexico

Mexico’s Ministry of Finance, supported by the French Development Agency, was considering a carbon tax to reduce its GHG emissions by 22 percent to meet its 2030 target. It also wanted to reform its electricity tariffs and subsidies to avoid ... Read more
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Investment Roadmaps

Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) Investment Roadmaps

Castalia developed investment roadmaps containing practical steps and tangible projects aligned with Samoa’s and Tuvalu’s NDC goals to accelerate the implementation of their NDCs to global climate action under the Paris Agreement ... Read more
IFC Climate Upstream Workshops, Brazil, Ethiopia, Indonesia

IFC Climate Upstream Workshops, Brazil, Ethiopia, Indonesia

To identify Upstream initiatives that would create new markets for investments that addressed climate change, Castalia ran a series of ideation workshops and identified large-scale Upstream Investment opportunities for the IFC ... Read more
Nationally Determined Contribution Enhancement in Samoa and Tuvalu

Nationally Determined Contribution Enhancement in Samoa and Tuvalu

To enhance Samoa’s and Tuvalu’s commitments to climate change action under the Paris Agreement, Castalia drafted an enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for Samoa and undertook foundational research for Tuvalu’s enhanced NDC ... Read more
Designing PPPs in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, Barbados

Designing PPPs in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, Barbados

Castalia created a procurement strategy, designed performance-based contracts for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects, and delivered training on designing, structuring, and negotiating PPPs to help the Government of Barbados implement privately financed energy efficiency and renewable energy projects ... Read more
Hydrogen Modelling Study

Hydrogen Modelling Study

MBIE was seeking consultants to provide an in-depth analysis of the actions necessary to catalyze investment in hydrogen. Castalia delivered detailed modelling and analysis for the supply, demand, and distribution of hydrogen in New Zealand and potential export markets. We ... Read more

Our experts in improving markets, regulation, and sector structure

Alex Sundakov

Alex Sundakov

Executive Director
Andreas Heuser

Andreas Heuser

Managing Director
David Ehrhardt

David Ehrhardt

Chief Executive
Emma Ihaia

Emma Ihaia

Senior Advisor
Stéphanie Tatunchak

Stéphanie Tatunchak

Project Manager
Veronica Lizzio

Veronica Lizzio


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